
<== Site Review (2012-07-29) ==>

Craig Johnson

Craig Johnson is the author of the Longmire series of detective novels which follow the exploits of a sheriff of a fictional county near Ucross, Wyoming.

In 2012, the mystery was adapted to the little screen by Arts and Entertainment TV. The TV show is fun with politically correct plots. IMDB says the filming of the show takes place in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Pressing the iTunes button will load the iTunes player on the Longmire page. Below that is the Vimeo video introducing the characters.

Longmire, Season 1 - Longmire

Longmire Character from Anita Robertson on Vimeo.

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Site NameCraig Johnson
Review History2012-07-29
Category Cheyenne, Wyoming. US: Writing
Page Views5128
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